fungibleArt (fART)

A possibly scarce tokenized art

fungibleArt (fART)


A possibly scarce tokenized art. fART is a free mint project, but donations are possible through this function:

collectFART() external payable {...}


The smart contract deployed on Fantom Opera Network.

Decentralized Exchange

You can trade fART on SpookySwap.

Minting site

Minting still ongoing via FTMScan. How to mint:

Go to this contract.

  1. Connect your wallet, using a burner wallet is advised.
  2. Go to function 2. collectFART, fill some amount of FTM if you want to donate, but if you don’t then simply fill with 0.
  3. Click Write then confirm the transaction on your Metamask wallet.

Tech Stack : solidityfantom