Jasa Sowan

A smart contract that provides services for young artists to get the blessing and support of senior artists for their proposed works.

Jasa Sowan

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Blockchain


The sowan tradition, especially the sowan kyai (ask for blessings from kyai; a religious leader in Islam religion among the ethnic Javanese people), has turned into a tool used by political actors to gain public support and trust. The arrival of a political actor to the kyai's residence seems to indicate that the kyai, or an organization related to him, has 'blessed' and 'supported' the political actor (and their political ends). In fact, it could be that the arrival was done incidentally from the kyai's point of view who inevitably became necessary, or had to, welcome his guests. I imagine such a sowan practice also occurs in the art world. This work attempts to simulate the art world's sowan tradition when it takes place on blockchain technology. “Jasa Sowan” is a smart contract that provides services for young artists to get the blessing and support of senior artists for their proposed works. The permissionless nature of blockchain technology allows a specific address to accept a token without being able to reject it, and when that address accepts a token, the transaction record will exist for as long as the blockchain exists. The tokens that senior artists receive in this context are prepositions (an art project proposal) in the form of NFT. Every young artist who uses this service, automatically, will get a certificate of blessing and support from senior artists. Presenting the design of a smart contract rather than a list of transactions its use is intended to highlight the specific system structure that goes on behind the scenes of this simulation.


This smart contract has not been deployed on any blockchain. Jasa Sowan smart contract

Tech Stack : soliditydigital art