Minting Performance “Mencari Kabar”

Positioning the token minting activity as an “art exhibition”

Minting Performance “Mencari Kabar”


Performance art, for PROYEK EDISI, can be a way to inform everyone about significant aspects of everyday life, as well as to highlight common things into something that has to do with important contemporary sociocultural phenomena. By positioning the token minting activity as an “art exhibition”, we want to show the production process and the product of NFTs, as well as our interactions with blockchain, as part of the core concept that underlies the artwork as a whole.

This project is a collaborative project by Proyek Edisi, and is part of Jalar Rimpang, for the event “KUMPAR RIMPANG: Almanak Rimpang Nusantara 2022”, part of the Rhizomatic Archipelago Programme by The Prince Claus Fund, Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society.

Full Story

Read the full story here and here.


We are using two smart contract, MencariKabar.sol and PublicLibrary.sol deployed on Fantom Opera Network.

Tech Stack : solidityfantomadobe illustrator